Happy 2013 to our PNC Family!

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Happy New Year to all of our amazing patients and your families!

We hope that the holidays were peaceful and joyous for you and that you are looking forward to a new year filled with great health, happiness, success and peace in your hearts. As always, we look forward to serving you as your naturopathic team at Pacifica.

We thank everyone who so kindly donated to our food and gifts holiday donation, It was wonderful to be able to share with those struggling at this time of year through the Harvest Project. To one of our younger patients, Tristan F, congratulations on winning the prize draw!

Whatever 2012 brought for you on your path, we hope that the lessons learned, the experiences gained and the changes made are all helping you to move forward through this new year. Looking ahead, may your goals for 2013 be grand; commit to your self and your dreams and you can achieve them. We are honoured to be a part of your journey.

Wishing you a blessed and fulfilling year,

Pacifica Naturopathic Clinic