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Happy Summer!
We can’t believe how quickly the first half of 2014 has flown by already!
It is a good reminder to make the most of every moment, every day and to appreciate our accomplishments so far and look forward to what is to come for the second half of the year.
Summer is a time of Abundance – lots of ripening fruits and vegetables, sunshine (we hope!) and time with friends/family. We hope you get to healthily enjoy this time and wish you a season rich in joy, health, energy and harmony.
Get out to enjoy the warmer weather fresh air every day if you can, even if just for a quick walk around the block!
If you aren’t feeling great or need to tune up your programs, want to make some lifestyle changes over the next few months or just have general health concerns or updates, call and book in to see your ND!
For PNC’s own health and a bit of time with our families and friends we will be closed from August 19-September 2nd so we can all start the Fall refreshed! If you need to stock up on anything before the holidays, please call and place your orders as soon as possible,so we have what you need on hand.
Summer is a great time to work on fresh nutritious meals, getting fresh air and exercise and healing and strengthening your systems.
Wishing you sunshine in your hearts and skies,
From all of us at Pacifica